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[heading_box parallax=”content-moving” parallax_image=”10″ text_static=”WE ARE ” text_animation=”INSPIRING,CARING,LOVING” text_content=”Inspire Women Men and Children is a registered charity that help and support the poor, the needy and the vulnerable in the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe.” button1_label=”Donate Today!” button1_url=”https://inspirewmc.org/donate/” scroll_down=”1″ text_color=”” des_align=”text-center” overlay=”1″ images=”280″ des_text_color=”#ffffff” text_dynamic=”WE ARE UNIQUE,Get passion you want”]
[heading_box parallax=”content-moving” parallax_image=”10″ text_static=”WE ARE ” text_animation=”INSPIRING,CARING,LOVING” text_content=”Inspire Women Men and Children is a registered charity that help and support the poor, the needy and the vulnerable in the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe.” button1_label=”Donate Today!” button1_url=”https://inspirewmc.org/donate/” scroll_down=”1″ text_color=”” des_align=”text-center” overlay=”1″ images=”280″ des_text_color=”#ffffff” text_dynamic=”WE ARE UNIQUE,Get passion you want”]
[service_box icon=”fa fa-globe” title=”Zimbabwe”]We promote the equal rights of women, men and children, as well as supporting their full participation in the political, social, and economic development of their communities.[/service_box]
[service_box icon=”fa fa-check” title=”Equal Rights”]We promote the equal rights of women, men and children, as well as supporting their full participation in the political, social, and economic development of their communities.[/service_box]
[service_box icon=”fa fa-users” title=”Who We Are”]Inspire Women Men and Children is a registered charity and a registered trust that helps and support the poor, the needy and the vulnerable in the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe.[/service_box]
[counter_up title=”Children Inspired” number=”1207″]
[counter_up title=”Donations” number=”11334″]
[counter_up title=”Volunteers” number=”25″]
[counter_up title=”Projects Completed” number=”35″]
[title_box title=”GIVE” subtitle=”WAYS YOU CAN”]
[timeline icon=”fa fa-venus” number_step=”1″ title=”WOMEN EMPOWERMENT”]Support our capacity building project for women and youth in rural areas. We welcome a monthly or one-off donation to support the trainers and material for training.[/timeline][timeline icon=”fa fa-graduation-cap” image_icon=”4325″ number_step=”2″ title=”SCHOOL FEES AND FAMILY SUPPORT”]For £10 a month, you can give a child at Umguza or Bulawayo access to education and health care.[/timeline][timeline icon=”fa fa-cutlery” number_step=”3″ title=”FOOD & NUTRITION PROGRAMME”]To support the families through our nutrition and hygiene programme, please spare £20 per month and make a difference in the lives of many families in Umguza and Bulawayo.[/timeline][timeline icon=”fa fa-venus” number_step=”4″ title=”GIRLS EMPOWERMENT”]Your generous donation will go towards training, skills workshop, girls’ rights, water and sanitation, sexual health and gender-based violence awareness. Support us to break menstruation taboos.[/timeline]
[video_fancybox_button title=”Latest Video” description=”WE ARE ALWAYS WORKING TO DEVELOP AND HELP OTHERS IN THE UK AND ZIMBABWE. SEE OUR VIDEO. ” video_link=”https://inspirewmc.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Inspire-Women-Men-and-Children-Video-Sanitary-Pads.mp4″]
[testimonial_carousel col_lg=”1″ col_md=”1″ col_sm=”1″ col_xs=”1″ dots=”true” dots_position=”dots-bottom” dots_dir_position=”dots-left”]
[title_box title=”GET IN TOUCH” subtitle=”CONTACT US”]
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Phone & Email
+44 795 123 1046
inspirewomenandchildren @ hotmail.co.uk
Working hours
Monday to Thursday – 10:00 to 15:30
Friday – Closed
35 Stratford Road, Plaistow, London, E13 0NF